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Calendula homeopathic antiseptic

Most of our knowledge about what is the best homeopathic medicine is Arnica. Yes, excellent one, but I suggest Arnica second. The first should be equally indispensable Calendula, Aconite and Hypericum. Calendula is homeopathic antiseptic and saved a lot of lives of soldiers during WW I and WWII when not enough medicine was delivered to battlefields. Military personnel used Calendula with great success to disinfect wounds. They noticed that wounds healed faster and with less suppuration. Homeopathic Calendula never failed me with my elderly mom after her surgeries. Many times when a patients do not respond to antibiotics after operation, feeling irritable and exhausted, I use Calendula 30, and a couple of days they see great improvement. Use it when your child’s cut, wound or burn on the skin is red and painful to touch. Two or 3 doses will heal in a day or two without need for Polysperin. Calendula tincture is excellent to disinfect any skin damage from cuts, open boils to most severe burns.

Aconitum Napellus for cold and anniversaries

Aconite 30 is certainly one of the acute remedies you must have. Keep this remedy in your cupboard and take it when you feel to have a cold or flu, after exposure to wind, cold weather, or sick person at work or school. The cold haven’t come yet, but the first signs are – sneezing a few times in a row, or itchy nose or just that sense of sick tiredness at the end of the day. Repeat doses 2-3 times a day with 1 hour interval and you will be fresh and sound tomorrow. Having full blown symptoms will be late for this remedy, you probably need the stronger one, and with this you will need the help from your homeopath to determine which one will bring a fast relieve. Aconite can bring relieve to anxious people before event. Child goes to new school or when we feel anxious before birthdays and anniversaries. It calms anxiety in minutes.

Hypericum first aid for nerves

Everyone knows Arnica for any trauma, blow, punches and bruises. Hypericum is one to use for bruises and wound affecting nervous system. The action of this remedy I have seen multiple times after banging fingers and toes, the nerves at the tips are very sensitive, but not after you take one little pill of Hypericum 30. Any pain in the body affected by trauma to nerve will be relieved with this medicine, example toothache or tooth extraction. It also known in prevention of tetanus, if injure caused by old rusty instrument like nail, taking Hypericum 30 few doses will save you trouble going to the hospital. Homeopathic and herbal pharmacology of Hypericum is not exactly the same. Liquid tincture of Hypericum called St.John Worth and is excellent for non-septic sore throat. No antibiotic needed when your child complains about sore throat, and there no white spots on larynx. Use it straight into your mouth or dissolve in little water and let your child gargle few times a day.

Recurrent colds for children

Oh, not again!! Many parents find it frustrating to see their kids getting colds very often. I think it ​is social problem when young parents want the child to be perfectly healthy or get over the cold in a few hours. I agree, to maintain parenting and carrier is not easy in a fast pace environment, however to understand that the strong immune system of the child starts exactly in earlier years and let the child get over the viral infections without rushing up to suppress with Tylenol or Advil is very important and will save you many health problem in the future. Children are born without proper knowledge of how to use defence mechanisms until they start to pick up bacterial and viral infections from the environment. It is crucial for parents to understand that children need to be sick for a few days to let macrophages run its course with fever, cough and mucus discharges. Fever burns the “invader” and discharges its debris out of the body similar to detoxification. When parents give anti-inflammatory medication or antibiotics too soon the child’s organism does not learn the” immunity lesson” and more likely the child gets sick again and again. The role of homeopathic medicine during children’s illnesses is not to “shut down” vital immune response but support the organism to fight off bacterial and viral infection. The Homeopath will find the precise medicine that will speed up the healing process according to the child symptomatic picture. I found St.Francis Deep Immune herbal combination drops are helpful for children during the cold season as a preventative solution, not a treatment.

I am Here to Help

A homeopath will never tell a patient that “there is no problem” or “it’s all in your head”. When someone says he is sick, it means sickness is present even without proper diagnosis. The feeling of being sick is already a disease.

I believe that the main cause of health problems is the violation of organic relationships with the physical, social or spiritual environment. Each person, according to his constitution, will react in his own way to the conditions surrounding him and psychological stress, and the complexity of this reaction determines the quality and harmony of his life.


We are here to help.