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Natasha Zarubin, Hom, DHom
Registered Homeopath

Homeopathy Land

Natasha Zarubin Registered Homeopath in Toronto GTA


Homeopathy is a regulated health profession in Ontario.

You are here to find a safe, gentle, non-toxic form of medicine that assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal many diseases which are believed to be incurable.

This makes homeopathic treatment perfectly safe for everyone, including pregnant women and newborn babies.

Homeopathy is one of the gentlest systems of holistic medicine known, which recognizes individuals, not illnesses, so virtually it can treat every condition.

Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world according to the World Health Organization and the fastest growing, especially in Europe, South East Asia and South America which provides service to over half a billion people a year.

Natasha Zarubin

Registered Homeopath

Homeopathy Explained:

There are many ways to look at sickness. The mainstream medicine view is that physical or mental defects in a body can be fixed chemically. This view is very narrow as it involves only bio- molecular change in a body or electrical current in the brain, excluding the individual consciousness.

Homeopathy takes a wider view into personalities, as it has become obvious that the origin of diseases lies in the mind, emotions, thoughts and spiritual beliefs. Each personality has an unique identity and must resonate with the surrounding environment, family, work place and society. When this resonance is in balance, we maintain a good health. The disease comes when we feel that we are not being ourselves. Our healthy balance can also be broken after we experience disharmony with our surroundings at any time in life from birth to mature age.

To restore health Homeopathy comes to help by following the simple and genius principle SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR - like is cured by like: a disease may be cured by something that can cause similar symptoms.

In other words, the Homeopath’s ideal is to find a resonating medicine from the nature to match the personality of the patient with a disease. The experience of healing can be compared to a miracle, for Homeopath it is evidence of Natural Science.

How do we choose the right medicine? Homeopathy has own sacred bible the Materia Medica of remedy profiles. This is a collection of the knowledge of natural substances from minerals, plants, animal kingdoms and even immaterial sources like Sunlight, Moon light, X-ray and such.

The Materia Medica contains hundreds of references and descriptions to what each substance has healing power for. Each remedy is unique and has its own personality. Matching the Materia Medica of the remedy to the ill person characteristics will encourage a healing process on physical, mental and emotional levels.

Let's say we have a complaint of high blood pressure. Mainstream medicine offers several drugs with similar action from inorganic material with many side effects. Pharmaceutical drug action is to change the chemistry of the living human organism. Philosophy of homeopathy recognizes that living cells vibrate at unique levels and what brings a person to sickness, can restore the balance with matching a substance from a homeopathic medicine.

An organized, perfectionist personality might need a remedy Cuprum from a mineral source to heal diabetes. However, successful, but sensitive and reflective person will need remedy from a plant Rauwolfia. A person who works hard and cares a lot about others will need a remedy Lac-Defloratum made from milk to heal diabetes. The well selected homeopathic medicine will improve blood sugar level and balance the disharmony of the environment surrounding the sick person.


From birth to the beginning of adulthood homeopathy has a reputation of being a safe, effective and safe method of treating children.


PUBERTY is a big change for a teen boy or a girl before they reach maturity. During this time teens can experience shifting progesterone and estrogen in both sexes.


Homeopathy natural medicine is a great natural option to take care of one's own health. Find out how homeopathy can help you.


If you are unwell give homeopathy a trial, & it will not disappoint you. It is never too late to start treating yourself with naturally.


You are here to find a safe, gentle, non-toxic form of medicine that assist the natural tendency of the human body to heal many diseases which believed to be incurable. This makes homeopathic treatment perfectly safe for everyone, including pregnant women and newborn babies.
HOMEOPATHY was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann MD more than 200 years ago. It is one of the gentlest systems of holistic medicine, which recognizes individuals, not illnesses, so virtually can treat every condition.

Homeopathy is a regulated health profession in Ontario.

Our Treatments

We Provide Natural Health Quality Services

Personal Care

Cough Cold, Flue

Pain Relief


First Aid

Stress & Sleep

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Thank you 🙂

    Homeopathy Works!

    How Homeopathy Can Help

    I am a certified homeopath, and I strive to help people live healthy lives through naturopathic homeopathy treatments.

    Homeopathy Really Works!

    Are you looking for an alternative to classic medicine? Tired of counting pills? Maybe a Homeopathy Treatment is Right for You!
    Contact me to find out how homeopathy can help you.

    Your Natural Health Matters

    I care about my patients, and I want all of our patients to live long healthy lives. This is why I provide homeopathy services in Toronto & GTA.

    “The highest ideal of cure is a rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.”
    Organon of Medicine 6 the Edition


    We are here to help.